Kinkster Who’s Sexually Attracted To Objects Is In A Relationship With Balloons

A man, who says he is sexually attracted to inanimate objects, has revealed that he is currently in a committed relationship with a bunch of balloons. The kinkster says his floating lovers communicate with him through telepathy and dreams, and they share “each and every thought, feeling and emotion.” He identifies as “objectum sexual”—meaning that he is sexually attracted to inanimate objects—revealing that his balloons share his bed and that they have a “physical” relationship.

“Every morning, I wake up by saying ‘good morning’ and giving a kiss to my balloons that sleep beside me, and vice versa,” he said, adding “I make out with my balloons.” The fetishist claims that he doesn’t go anywhere without his lovers. “[The balloons] should have the freedom and the chance to see the world, and that is the reason why I walk with them everywhere.”

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