Lesbian Couple In Japan To Get Married 26 Times Around The World

Image Credit: Faavo/Misato Kawasaki

One lesbian couple in Japan is protesting LBGTQ rights in style. The couple is pushing back against their union not being recognized in Japan by marrying 26 times across the world in nations where same-sex marriage in legal. “I want to show through our wedding photos that being lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) is normal so that those who are troubled by their sexual status can harbor hope,” Misato Kawasaki said.

They’re calling the project the “26-time marriage,” a six-month tour through parts of Europe, Africa, North and South America. They will wed 26 times and interview local Japanese same-sex couples and officials about their rights and cultural attitudes in the area. The lesbian couple is seeking funds to cover costs for the trip, and will share their findings and hope to create a company that offers wedding services for the LGBTQ community.

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Check out more about a lesbian couple marrying 26 times to protest Japan’s bigoted marriage laws: https://jezebel.com/lesbian-couple-calling-for-same-sex-marriage-in-japan-t-1831487236

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