Let The Virginians Fuck

Virginia delegate Mark Levine is back at it again, trying to repeal an existing state law that made consensual sex with an unmarried person illegal. The punishment for the crime of fornication is a $250 fine, charged to both parties, and Levine believes it time to (finally) repeal it. “We should not have laws that make most of the population into criminals,” he said.

Virginia isn’t the only state with archaic anti-fornication laws—in Idaho, fornicators can serve up to six months in prison if found guilty. In North Carolina, fornication or cohabitation with a member of the opposite sex is considered a class two felony, with six days in prison and a $1000 fine. Our hats off to Levine, who’s got a real hard-on for justice!

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Check out more about a politician trying to let Virginians fuck: https://theslot.jezebel.com/let-the-virginians-fuck-1841632266

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