Sex can save your life… like, literally. According to a new study published in the American Journal of Medicine, fucking increases long-term survival rates after a heart attack. The study tracked 1,120 people who had had heart attacks and found that of the survivors, those who had sex multiple times a week, were 27% less likely to die during the study period.
Those who got lucky once a week were 12% less likely to die, and those who fucked occasionally were 8% less likely to die. Post-heart attack sex was even more vital for a longer life, researchers found. Doing it weekly following a heart attack decreased mortality rates by 37%, more than once a week meant a 33% survival bump, and less than once a week made for a 28% increased life expectancy, compared to participants who never got any after their heart attack.
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Check out more about a study that shows sex increases the survival rate for post-heart attack survivors: