Madonna Poses In BDSM Gear To Promote Re-release Of ‘Sex’

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Madonna celebrated the re-release of her notoriously scandalous book “Sex” as only she can. She decked herself out in bondage gear including a busty sheer lace top and flounced around her bed, biting down seductively on a riding crop. Stretching herself across the bed and swinging one leg way up, she wrote on Instagram: “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep.”

“Baby wants to ride,” she wrote over another picture that showed her holding the whip between her teeth as if it were a rose. In a raunchy touch, Madonna slipped on a black lace BDSM mask and doubled down on the effect with a pair of matching gloves. Her saucy new posts come after she celebrated the 30th anniversary re-release of her iconic coffee table book “Sex.”

Feeling frisky? Come ride on over to NiteFlirt!

Check out more about Madonna posing in BDSM gear to celebrate the re-release of “Sex”:

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