Male Birth Control Pill Shows Promise In Early Trials

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_menMale birth control pills could soon become a reality. Early clinical trials show that a new pill called DMAU, which combines the hormones androgen and pregestin, could bring sperm count low enough to prevent a man from getting his partner pregnant. “Many men say they would prefer a daily pill as a reversible contraceptive, rather than long-acting injections or topical gels, which are also in development,” explained the study’s lead researcher.

In the past, male birth control pills caused serious medical problems for men, including liver inflammation and toxicity. But so far, that doesn’t seem to be the case with this drug. “Condoms are the only practical reversible form of male contraception — and it is more than 300 years old,” the researcher pointed out. This is great news for men who are tired of condoms, and who’ve reported preferring taking an oral contraception rather than an injection or implant.

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Check out more about a new male birth control pill:

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