Malware Attacks Porn Users’ Accounts For Their Credentials

The latest malware hackers aren’t interested in your bank information or social security number—now they want your porn login information. A report calls this “credential hunting,” explaining these sort of attacks doubled in numbers in 2018 and can be traced to popular porn sites. Daily Dot explains, “users might download malware disguised as a porn-related link—and with it, botnets that track a user’s activity and steal credentials.”

Online criminals sell user information on the dark web for around $10. There are even “sextortion” scams that claim to have videos of people watching porn, which hackers threaten to release to the victim’s contacts if a ransom isn’t paid. “The number of users being attacked with malware that hunts for their pornographic content credentials is on the rise and this means premium subscriptions are now a valuable asset for cybercriminals,” researchers say in the report.

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Check out more about malware hackers stealing porn users’ credentials:

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