Man Gets Eight-Inch Bionic Dick

A man who lost the use of his genitals as a child got compensated in full recently with a fully functioning eight-inch bionic dick! This bionic dick is the first of its kind, even though a different man had the first successful penis transplant last year. The bionic dick was created by skin grafts from his arm, which will now allow him to get hard, cum, and actually reproduce.


After an 11-hour surgery, the man finally can achieve erections by using a button attached to his scrotum. “When you want a bit of action you press the ‘on’ button,” the man said. “When you are finished you press another button. It takes seconds. Doctors have told me to keep practicing.” The device works through an implant that uses fluids from his belly to inflate two tubes which allow him to use his dick whenever he likes. Science is amazing!

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IFL Science has more about the man with an eight-inch bionic dick.

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