Man Sends Hook-Up Texts In A Group Chat To Two Women, Gets Slammed Online

A New York man has been slammed on social media after texting two women for a booty call in the same chat. One of the women shared a screenshot of the shameless exchange in a Facebook dating group, captioning the messages: “Who said chivalry is dead?!” The man started the group chat by asking the two women the same ubiquitous hook-up question: “You up?”

“So you were bootycalling us both?” one of the women asked, noticing a third party in the text. “Omg!!!! Lmao!! What an idiot,” commented one person on the woman’s post. “Not the group chat?!!! Omg screaming,” wrote a third. Others hoped that the two women had been bonded by the experience, with one commenter writing, “Please tell me you are now bffs and have dumped the dude.”

You up? Call NiteFlirt!

Check out more about a man sending a hook-up text to two women in a group chat:

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