Man Who’s Slept With 400 People Refuses To Be Slut Shamed 

NiteFlirt_best_Phone _Sex_HOT_JOCK_ASSDylan Jones is a gay man with what one might call a very indulgent appetite for sex. He’s slept with 400 people—“an average of two every week for four years. And that’s not even counting weekends”—and for him, there’s no shame in that. While he fully embraces his supercharged libido, he says it’s pretty common to get slut shamed, especially by other gay men.

To him, this is a big problem. Obviously, the word “slut” carries a negative connotation, but why is that, and why do numbers matter? He speculates that gay men slut shame because of insecurities: “If they encounter someone who’s unapologetically sexually active, it can be threatening, and perhaps makes a little dose of self-loathing homophobia bubble to the surface.” He adds that “It’s impossible to have too much sex. As long you’re comfortable with what you’re doing and go about it safely, THERE. IS. NO. SUCH. THING. AS. TOO. MUCH. SEX. How can there be?” You do you, Dylan Jones—and a lot of other people while you’re at it!

Looking for some unapologetic fun? We firmly believe that when it comes to sex, there’s no such thing as too much!

Check out more about the man who’s slept with 400 people and refuses to be slut shamed:

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