Man Wins Lawsuit Against Parents For Throwing Out His Porn Collection

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A man has won a lawsuit against his parents for getting rid of his pornography collection worth $25,000. The forty-something-year-old sued his parents after they threw out “a trove of pornography and an array of sex toys” from their home in Grand Haven, Michigan. The parents must now pay damages to their son for an amount which is yet to be determined.

The man kept a detailed record of how much money he spent on the porn, most of which was from the 80s and 90s. He listed more than 400 VHS tapes and 1,600 DVDs that he said they had thrown out. He is now demanding triple that amount as punishment for “wanton destruction of property,” which included over twelve moving boxes of vintage porn.

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Check out more about a man winning a lawsuit against his parents for throwing out his porn stash:

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