Many Americans Work Out To Have Better Sex, Survey Finds

Americans work out to have better sex and dump those who don’t, according to a recent survey of 2,000 adults. Regular workouts have been proven to not only boost sexual desire but also enhance stamina and flexibility, factors essential for a hot sex life. A staggering 56% of people have or would break up with a partner who lacks sexual stamina or flexibility, according to the survey.

About 1 in 5 do cardio specifically to improve their sexual stamina, while 1 in 3 focus on lower body workouts, planks or Kegels. The survey revealed 4 in 10 perform stretching exercises to improve their flexibility during sex, while 1 in 5 do yoga or pilates. About 1 in 20 admitted they skip workouts on the days they have sex and count sex towards their daily physical activity quota.

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