Marilyn Monroe Had Sex With Bobby Kennedy 30 Minutes Before She Sang To JFK

Marilyn Monroe famously sang “Happy Birthday” to JFK—but it was actually his brother Bobby who got the happy ending. President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby both engaged in simultaneous affairs with Marilyn Monroe, a new book reveals. The author describes the crossover relationships as a “sexual competition” between the two men.

Marilyn first met JFK at a Hollywood party, and over the following years, the actress fell in love with both the president and his brother, who was also married. Marilyn sang “Happy Birthday” to JFK in her famous performance at Madison Square garden—but just thirty minutes before Marilyn appeared on stage, she had sex with Bobby in her dressing room. The liaison made her late to the stage, where she arrived “drunk and flush with the transgressive sex she’d just had with Bobby, her dress so tight she could hardly walk.”

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