May Affiliate Contest

One of the best ways to make extra cash on NiteFlirt is by being an affiliate. Did you know that becoming an affiliate is free and that you could earn hundreds of extra dollars a month? There’s no reason not to join! When you send customers to NiteFlirt and they spend $50 or more, you’ll make $50! And if they spend that $50 on you, that’s even more money on top of the beginning of a new customer relationship.

If that’s not enough for you, how about this for added motivation:

  • The affiliate who has the most new qualified customers in May will get an extra $300,
  • For those of you who join the affiliate program in the month of May, $100 will go to the _new_ affiliate who brings in more new qualified customers in May over any other _new_ affiliate (ahem…if you’re not an affiliate, you should join now!).
  • We’ll throw in a NiteFlirt t-shirt for both winners too.

That’s just more money, more money, more money!

Disclaimer: All Flirts who have accepted the Affiliate Agreement on NiteFlirt are eligible for the May Affiliate Contest. All Flirts who have accepted the Affiliate Agreement will automatically be entered unless they notify NiteFlirt that they do not want to participate. Each NiteFlirt account is considered its own entry, referrals from accounts cannot be combined. Referrals that are found to be in violation of NiteFlirt’s policies or otherwise deemed fraudulent by NiteFlirt in its sole discretion will not be included in the final total. The May Affiliate Contest is based on the total amount of new qualified referrals that qualify during the contest. A new qualified referral is considered a new NiteFlirt member who spends $50.00 or more. A _new_ affiliate is any Affiliate the joined the program on or after May 1, 2019. The contest runs from midnight (UTC) May 1, 2019 to 11:59 p.m. (UTC) May 31, 2019. Winners will be announced in the NiteFlirt Community Forums before June 15, 2019. Winners will be contacted by June 30th for t-shirt shipping information. Prize money will be credited to the winning NiteFlirt accounts within 14 days of the end of the contest.
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1 Response to May Affiliate Contest

  1. Suggestions of where to post links?

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