Medical Condition Causes Women To Orgasm Uncontrollably

Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD) can cause women to orgasm hundreds of times a day. The little-known medical condition can cause a range of symptoms including spontaneous orgasms, tingling and throbbing of the genitals, including breasts, and being in a constant state of arousal and lubrication. Strangely, the symptoms have nothing to do with sexual desire, and there are no known causes or cures.

PGAD affects about 1 percent of the population, and is often confused with hypersexuality. One-third of those with PGAD report having spontaneous orgasms, and symptoms can be present all the time or may come and go in flare-ups—triggered by things like vibrations from a car ride or sexual imagery. Sadly, masturbating doesn’t provide long-lasting relief, and while many doctors dismiss people with PGAD as “lucky,” to the women uncontrollably orgasming every 2 to 5 minutes for extended periods of time, it doesn’t exactly feel that way.

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Check out more about a medical condition that causes women to orgasm uncontrollably:

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