Meet the Man Who Took 35 Viagra Pills and Got a 5-Day Erection

viagraHave you ever eaten a super hot chili pepper or jumped into a freezing body of water for laughs? Well, one man thought it would be hilarious to take 35 viagra pills just to see what happened—and ended up with a 5-day boner! After drinking with his buddies and popping Viagra for kicks, the man’s vision turned green (a Viagra side effect called cyanopsia) and he reported “a massive erection that would not go away” to his wife, who immediately took him to the hospital.

After a 36 hour stay, the man was discharged and instructed to stay on bed rest—but unfortunately for him, his cock didn’t much feel like resting! He told The Sun, “It wasn’t a permanent erection but every time I brushed against something for five days it sprang into life—and it was no use to me.” The man ended up with a 5-day erection, which luckily for him was the worst of his problems. There have been many documented cases where those who have overdosed on Viagra have not fared nearly as well. For starters, there’s the very serious 4-hour erection known as priapism that can cause permanent erectile disfunction if not treated soon enough. Fortunately for this guy, the nurses and medics laughing at his boner was his worst side effect.

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Here’s more about the guy who got a 5-day boner.

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