Meet the Woman with Two Vaginas

4305595470_3f705f390f_zCassandra Bankson is a model, Youtube star, and now, as she’s just discovered, a woman with two vaginas. She recently did a TV segment where she visits a doctor to learn about her condition, and also finds out that she not only has two vaginas, but two uteruses and two cervixes as well! Her pussy-deux was supported by an actual medical professional on the program, so it’s been proven that she does indeed have two vaginas (unlike the three-breasted woman hoax).

Bankson’s condition is known as “uterus didelphys,” and since it affects about one out of every 3,000 women, it’s not as uncommon as many might think. So, you might be wondering whether having two pussy’s is actually pretty awesome. Well, yes and no—according to Bankson, some women have more sensation due to the large amount of nerve endings, so having two vaginas sounds like it could be amazing sexually. But logistically, it could also be problematic in terms of getting pregnant, not to mention having two lady-times a month. But for now, she’s not too concerned, and is just trying to live a normal and happy life—with her two vaginas!

As we always say, more is more—especially when it comes to pussy! Come experience amazing sensations right here with us!

Check out a video of the incredible woman with two vaginas here!

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