Melania Trump’s Nude Girl-On-Girl Photos Revealed

melania trumpNY Post just showed us what the would-be first lady might look like—with a second lady beside her in bed! The magazine recently published racy, nude photos of Melania Trump during her days as a model, including a lesbian-themed shoot. The photo shows Melania Trump—then Melania K.—lying in bed with another nude woman who embraces her from behind, just below her fully exposed breasts. In another photo from the same girl-on-girl shoot, a model in a dominatrix black bustier and high heels raises a whip as if preparing to spank Melania, who recoils in a skin-tight long dress (see photos below).

“I always loved women together, because I have been with a lot of women who desired the ménage à trois,” said Jarl Ale de Basseville, the French fashion photographer who snapped the pictures. The French photographer also took several other nude pictures of Melania where, in one of them, she appears fully nude with only her hand covering her pussy. Donald Trump commented that his wife was a successful European model, and that nude shoots are totally common there. Ménage à Trump, anyone?

Looking for something a little racy? We have all the hot girl-on-girl action you’d ever want here!

Check out Melania Trump’s nude photos:

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