Men Are ‘Zapping’ Their Dicks To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_twodicksThere’s a new treatment for erectile dysfunction that’s creating a lot of buzz. It could be a great alternative to Viagra—although many find the procedure to be, well, shocking. It’s called GainsWave, and it zaps tens of thousands of sound waves through a man’s dick to improve blood flow and enable erections.

Scary as it sounds, urologists and sexperts are excited by its potential because the sound wave pulses cause new blood vessels and nerve tissue to grow within the penis, enabling better blood flow and improving tissue sensitivity. The Food and Drug Administration hasn’t given GainsWave the green light yet, and even though early clinical studies have found the treatment to be safe and effective, researchers believe larger and longer-term patient studies are still needed. The $3,000 procedure is supposed to be painless, and has helped 75 to 80 percent of patients to get erections and go off meds like Viagra.

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Check out more about GainsWave:

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