Men Who Drink A Beer A Day Have Stronger Sperm

9741737763_d422cd07c8_zHomer Simpson once famously said, “Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems.” Now a study literally backs up his theory, finding that men who drink a bottle of beer or glass of wine a day are more fertile. They have a higher sperm count than men who drink more or less alcohol, and their sperm are also stronger swimmers, which increases the likelihood of reaching a woman’s egg.

Researchers of the study conclude that “Moderate alcohol intake appears positively associated to semen quality.” But they warn that if men are trying to have a baby—or just a really fun night—they should avoid getting drunk. They also suggest against using alcohol as a way to boost low sperm count. Cheers to good semen!

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Check out more about how men who drink a beer a day have stronger sperm:

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