Men Who Pretend Not To Be Interested In Sex Increase Their Chances With Women

victorianeraIf men want to get lucky, they better play it cool, according to a new study. Researchers involved in the study of 224 men and women found that men who try too hard are a turn-off to women. Women, on the other hand, tend to act more interested when they’re attracted to someone: “We think this may be to keep the man’s attention a little longer,” researchers explain.

Not surprisingly, the study suggests flirting is a tactical game, with each person deciphering the other’s intentions—which goes against stereotypes that men strut their stuff while women act coy. Instead, both sexes act more reserved once they are sure they like someone. “In economic terms it’s about supply and demand. The most in-demand people are not the most available – they are a rare commodity in the mating game,” say researchers.

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Check out more about a study showing men who pretend not to be interested in sex have better chances with women:

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