Men Who Vape Are Twice As Likely To Have Erectile Dysfunction, Study Finds

New research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests male e-cigarette users are more than twice as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction [ED] compared to non-vapers. The comprehensive study, conducted by doctors at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, also included data from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. Researchers found that compared to the men who had never used an e-cigarette, vapers were 2.2-times more likely to report having experienced ED.

“Our analyses accounted for the cigarette smoking history of participants, including those who were never cigarette smokers to begin with, so it is possible that daily e-cigarette vaping may be associated with higher odds of erectile dysfunction regardless of one’s smoking history,” said the study’s lead author. Researchers went a step further by factoring out those with a prior history of cardiovascular disease—which is known to prompt ED due to poor blood circulation—and found e-cigarette users in this sample suffered ED at a rate of 2.4-times that of non-users. Researchers say they need to look into the relationship between ED and vaping further, but “our findings underscore the need to study patterns of e-cigarette use that are relatively safer than smoking.”

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Check out more about a studying showing a link between vaping and ED:

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