It seems seeing a man in uniform is making visitors at a Polish military museum randy. Fort Gerhard, also known as the Eastern Fort Museum, in Świnoujście, Poland, posted a scintillating update to their Facebook page, politely requesting that guests cease fucking among historical displays. It seems the museum captured visitors having sex in the museum on surveillance cameras: “In less than a month since the beginning of the holidays we’ve already had three recordings of lovers engaged in trysts.”
They wrote, “The museum has been equipped with cameras for some time,” adding all footage is watched and you may not want that getting out to the general public. “We understand that unique exhibits and uniformed service can give you chills, EXCITATION and excitement,” they joked, before some light suggestions of where else visitors could, uh, publicly express their appreciation for each other. The post gained national—and international—attention, with people laughing over the unexpected erotic hot spot.
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Check out more about a military museum asking guests to stop having sex while visiting: