Millennials Call Bullshit On The So-Called ‘Sex Recession’

white-1822497_640There are a lot of headlines these days claiming that millennials aren’t getting it on—but ask a millennial if that’s true, and they’ll say it’s bullshit. Cosmopolitan magazine launched its own investigation and found that millennials aren’t necessarily having less sex—they’re redefining and expanding what counts as sex. In fact, 68 percent of respondents denied the very existence of a “sex recession.”

The magazine surveyed more than 1,000 people nationwide, both men and women ages 18 to 34, about their sex lives—and 71 percent said they are personally satisfied with the amount of sex they’re having. Of those surveyed, 35 percent have tried anal sex, 20 percent have experimented with BDSM, 44 percent have used a sex toy with a partner, 9 percent have had group sex and 49 percent have had rough sex. Also, 92 percent were more concerned with quality over quantity: “The truth is that millennials define sex more broadly than anyone who has come before us, which isn’t reflected in the numbers. We are having sex in more ways than previous generations. We’re more exploratory, less limited by taboo and stigma,” the magazine says.

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Check out more about millennials calling bullshit on the ‘sex recession’:

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