Money-Shots in 3-D at Cannes

3900638598_7023bbe4cf_qIf you thought porn couldn’t get any better, imagine seeing it in 3-D. That’s what audiences at Cannes wanted to experience first-hand with filmmaker Gaspar Noé’s groundbreaking film, Love, the first ever 3-D porn. He promised to “give guys erections and make girls wet,” and tempted audiences with his racy movie posters of ejaculating cocks.

The film’s described as an erotic art house flick, so not only are the 3-D shots visceral and interactive, but the shots are also beautifully shot, with candle-lit fellatio and sex scenes. The plot is mainly about a fraught and sexy ménage à trois, but let’s be honest, what the people came to see was the 3-D sex scenes. In one scene, an image of a huge cock cascades toward the audience, cumming (literally) at them! And the group masturbation scenes are even more realistic and intense in 3-D. Whatever critics ultimately decide about the film, we could only guess that porn enthusiasts everywhere will want to check out this groundbreaking work of adult entertainment.

Love, Cumming To a Theater Near You (Literally)! Want to have some interactive and intense experiences with us? We can guarantee a groundbreaking good time right here!

Check out some clips of the movie!

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