Monogamy Killed The Penis Bone In Humans, New Research Suggests

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_cocks_on_filmEven though we call erections “boners,” ironically, human men don’t actually have penis bones. For decades scientists have wondered why, but a new study might finally answer the mystery. As it turns out, monogamy killed the penis bone.

The study ultimately discovered “a clear [relationship] between the bone’s length and a species’ promiscuity: more promiscuous species had longer bacula,” writes The Economist. And the longer the penis bone, the more likely a man would keep the female away from his competition while he impregnated her. “What scientists now theorize is that humans lost their penis bones when monogamy became prevalent, about 1.9 million years ago. They no longer had the pressing need to keep away the competition by fucking for a long time,” reports Gizmodo. So there you have it, guys—you lost your dick bone, but gained true love.

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Check out more about how monogamy killed the penis bone:

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1 Response to Monogamy Killed The Penis Bone In Humans, New Research Suggests

  1. That explains little dick losers.

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