More Couples Are In Open Relationships Because They’re ‘Bored With Each Other’

It seems couples are rearing to get out after so much time in lockdown—of their monogamous relationships. Romantic burnout caused by spending too much time together during the pandemic has caused lovers to seek out more exciting prospects. A sex therapist reported a 45 percent leap in inquiries about discussing the subject with partners in recent months.

She said: “Couples are now keener than ever to spice things up a bit. Many have started to outsource their needs in the shape of open relationships.” While men are usually the ones who suggest more sexual freedom, it is women who want it to continue. “Women are now much more in charge and much more demanding,” which according to the sex therapist, is why we’re seeing more open relationships these days.

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Check out more about couples seeking open relationships because they’re bored with each other:

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