Narcissistic Men Are More Prone To Premature Ejaculation, Study Finds

Narcissistic men are more prone to premature ejaculation and trouble orgasming, a new study found. The study found that “narcissistic men are strongly self-pleasure driven, deriving sexual satisfaction more from orgasm than relational interactions.” These men have a higher sexualization overall but are also more prone to rapid ejaculation and difficulty reaching ejaculation, according to the findings.

Narcissistic men are also more likely to have a sexual partner, have sex and masturbate, a greater interest in sex, lower sexual satisfaction and lower overall relationship satisfaction. Being very into themselves, they are also more likely to prefer masturbation over partnered sex. “Our research reiterates the negative impact that narcissism has on relationship satisfaction, but adds new perspective on how this personality characteristic may also affect a man’s sexual response during partnered sex,” the study says.

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Check out more about a study showing narcissistic men are more prone to premature ejaculation:

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