Neighbors Complain About Noisy Sex In Lockdown

People are finding their neighbor’s loud sex a lot more disruptive now that they work from home. Since lockdown began, private meditators are being paid to “intervene” with amorous neighbors. “We categorize it as bedroom noise,” says a professional mediator. “We get that quite a lot. Especially beds banging up against the wall in adjacent flats.”

One woman needed to confront her neighbors with the aid of a mediator after their loud fuck fests interrupted her zoom meeting with her colleagues. Complaints to the mediation office are now running at three times the usual rate during lockdown, and mediation services range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. But business is booming as the restrictions on our movements put our relationships with those next door under ever more strain, which maybe explains why people are having so much sex—stress relief.

Feeling amorous? Let the neighbors complain while you enjoy NiteFlirt!

Check out more about neighbors hiring mediators because of loud fuck fests:

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