New Erectile Dysfunction Gel is Literally Dynamite

Image Source: Blewit.comThere’s a dynamite new product out there for tackling impotence: a gel containing explosive nitroglycerin! In trials, rubbing a pea-size amount of the gel gave 7 in 10 men who suffer from erectile dysfunction boners within 10 minutes. According to researchers, it works up to 12 times faster than Viagra.

“The rub-on gel works by releasing a nitric oxide gas that widens tiny blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the penis,” reports NY Post. In trials involving more than 220 men, 44 percent achieved hard-ons within 5 minutes, and for 70 percent, it took less than 10 minutes. Viagra and other impotence pills take between 30 minutes to an hour to kick in, and many sufferers don’t respond to these drugs. Researchers plan to continue trials and say the gel may be available by next year.

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Check out more about a new erectile dysfunction drug that works better than Viagra:

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