NEWS: The New Search Engine Made Specifically for Porn

Finally, the days of searching the internet for porn and getting trackers, cookies, or the dreaded safe-for-work results are over. Now there’s Boodigo, the search engine that helps you get right to the good stuff without all the annoying hassles that come with viewing porn on the internet. One of the site’s founders, Colin Rowntree, says: “Boodigo’s search algorithm is designed to find ‘real’ adult sites and give top listings to them.” About damn time! Here’s how it works:525497_337943076323590_1976492139_n

Boodigo filters out unlicensed and illegal content, which makes browsing through hundreds of thousands of pages of hot, x-rated material so much easier and quicker. So with this, when you search for “blowjob,” you won’t have to sift through Wikipedia articles and Cosmo’s how-to-guides—you’ll just get the real, hot deal. Same thing if you search for Playboy, Hustler, or Penthouse; the top listing will be for the actual company’s website. In short, by getting rid of illegal upload sites and fileshare programs, you can finally (finally!) get the erotic content you’re looking for, without any of the pesky consequences.

We love the idea of getting the porn you want when you want it, and keeping our beloved adult community thriving! But if you’re hankering for something more interactive and exciting, we’ve got exactly what you’re looking for right here—hassle-free!

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