Not Being Horny Enough Can Lead To An Early Death, Study Says

Better get your kicks in now…A study published in the journal PLOS One suggests that men with a low libido are almost twice (1.82 times) as likely to suffer an early death. Researchers from Yamagata University studied more than 20,000 people—8,558 males and 12,411 females—in Japan for over a decade, to examine links between sexual interest and “all-cause” mortality, including cardiovascular and cancer.

Results showed that men over age 40 who had a low libido were 1.94 times as likely to die from cancer and 1.36 times as likely to die of heart disease. Men with lower sex drives also reported lacking ikigai, a Japanese term for the reason of having a life worth living—a quality some may describe as having a “zest for life.” Scientists could not explain why there’s an association between libido and longevity; however, a constant lack of sexual interest can be a sign of poor habits that raise the risk of chronic disease, such as smoking, drinking or overeating, according to researchers: “Based on these results, we speculate that maintaining sexual interest may be related to positive psychological well-being and ‘ikigai’ especially among men,” the scientists said.

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Check out more about a study showing not being horny enough can lead to an early death:

Here’s the study:

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