Not the Mile High Club: One in 10 Travelers Has Fucked in an Airport

Image Source: | Rachel Krammer Bussel

Image Source: | Rachel Krammer Bussel

It seems a lot more people than you might’ve expected literally can’t wait to get in the air—to join the Mile High Club! According to a new survey, about 1 in 10 American air travelers reports having had sex at an airport. Not surprisingly, the frisky travelers found very creative ways to get some pre-vacation airport sex: 42 percent reported that it took place in a public restroom, while 28 percent got busy in the “storage cupboards” (?) and 14 percent “under a coat.” And of the 4,915 surveyed, 5 percent hooked up with a stranger.

Only 8 percent are actual members of the Mile High Club, as flight attendants reported that the success rate on their flights is about 30 percent. They also said that they usually see people bolting to the lavatory for their “on-flight entertainment,” often strangers who just met in their seats. “Sometimes I just want to give the passengers a ton of Purel and say, ‘What are you thinking?’” one was quoted as saying. This survey gives new meaning to the expression, “romance is in the air!”

Looking for something exciting yourself? We can think of a million creative ways to do that—all without ever leaving the ground!

Check out more about the survey that shows how much sex people are having in airports on the WaPo

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