NYC Judge Rules Polyamorous Couples Entitled To Same Legal Protections

An opinion from New York City’s eviction court has come down on the side of polyamorous unions. The ruling stated that polyamorous relationships are entitled to the same sort of legal protection given to two-person relationships. The case involved a poly couple who’s building owner claimed the third person in the relationship had no right to renew the lease because he was a “non-traditional family member.”

In her decision, the judge highlighted the importance of a previous case and asserted that the existence of a triad—no matter how they got along—should not automatically dismiss the third person’s claim to non-eviction protections. “Why does a person have to be committed to one other person in only certain prescribed ways in order to enjoy stability in housing after the departure of a loved one?” she asked. “Do all nontraditional relationships have to comprise or include only two primary persons?”

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Check out more about a judge ruling in favor of legal protections for poly couples:

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