One In 10 People Check Their Phone During Sex, Survey Says

270833119_0d8840e498_zThough it might sound like a SNL skit, a shocking new survey found that people actually ask while fucking, “Hey, do you mind holding that orgasm for a moment?” Well, not really, but one in 10 did admit to checking their phone during sex. “The research released by SureCall, a manufacturer of cellular signal boosters, surveyed 1,000 people. They also found that, among that 10 percent of phone-checkers, 43 percent are repeat offenders,” reports NY Post.

Not surprisingly, millennials are the likeliest age group to interrupt getting it on by checking their phones. People in the 18-to-34 demographic were found to be almost twice as likely to engage in the unsexy habit than 35-to-51-year-olds. Choosing your phone over your partner creates conflict and leads to lower levels of relationship satisfaction, and higher levels of depression, researchers of the study report. Hey, millennials, get off your phone and into your sex life!

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Check out more about a study showing how many people check their phone during sex:

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