Oregon Church Removes Naughty Sign People Thought Referred To Oral Sex

Image Credit: The Daily Mail

You can imagine a passersby’s confusion when seeing a church with a sign that seemed to be making a joke about oral sex. The Westside Christian Church in Roseburg, Oregon put up a sign on its billboard that read: “Forgiveness is to swallow when you want to spit.” The pastor said it was an honest mistake and was not meant to be sexual.

The pastor explained the sign referred to when people get so mad they want to spit, but instead “You should just swallow it and get over it.” A group of volunteers had come up with the message, according to the pastor. He admitted that he could see how people would get the wrong idea: “Uh, yeah. I would guess that’s exactly how people took it.” The church sign now simply reads: “God is love.”

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Check out more about a church sign that people thought referred to oral sex: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6194781/Oregon-church-removes-sign-forgiveness-links-sex.html

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