People Reveal How They Can Orgasm Without A Single Touch

A lot of people—including Lady Gaga—claim they can orgasm without so much as a single touch. One TikTocker recently uploaded a video explaining how she can “think herself off,” saying “I don’t have to fantasize or anything, I just have to think ‘come’ and it happens,” she said. “It’s literally about being so in tune with your mind and body and realizing that an orgasm is more mental than anything else.”

Another person discussed their experience with erotic hypnosis, saying “It’s basically a hypnosis track giving suggestions of feeling more and more pleasure, which can result in an orgasm.” He added that he has experienced both ejaculatory and dry orgasms from erotic hypnosis. There are even people who claim to climax just by intense breathing: “[Breath-induced orgasms] are full-body orgasmic, ecstatic experiences that are felt all over the body and beyond,” said someone who can achieve touch-free orgasms.

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Check out more about people who can orgasm without touch:

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