People Shared Things They Find “Erotic” That Involve No Nudity

BuzzFeed wanted to know what really gets peoples’ motors running—that doesn’t involve sex. Somehow, the responses are equal parts SFW and NSFW. Here’s what readers find erotic that have absolutely nothing to do with fucking, but still turns them on. 

  1. “When someone touches my hair gently.”
  2. “When you’re speaking to a woman and she does the ‘hair tuck’ behind her ears. My heart skips a few beats every time!”
    Subtly sexy…
  3. “When a man slides his belt out of the belt loops of his jeans…it always makes my heart race a little.”
    We see your point!
  4. “When a woman wears a men’s button-down shirt that’s just long enough to cover her so that she doesn’t have to wear pants.”
  5. Dancing. it sexy to hold my ex and do the move sets together and just look in her eyes the whole time while feeling her body moving under her dress.”
    Is it warm in here or is it you?
  6. “When a woman is lying on her side, and you can see the roller coaster fall and rise of her waist, hips, and legs. This is why art is a thing!”
  7. “Watching a man loosen his tie…especially if it’s done slowly.”
    First the tie, then…
  8. “Specific, but the sound of heels walking on a floor made of marble.”
    So true.

What do you find erotic? We can always get your motor running at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about things people find erotic that don’t involve nudity:

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