People Think Everyone Is Having A Lot Of Sex, Survey Says

white-1822497_640It seems men in the US think women are having a lot of sex, with a lot of people. According to a new survey, men think women aged 18 to 29 have sex nearly four times as much as they actually do. Men guessed that women had sex 23 times in a month, but the actual number was an average of 5 to 6 times.

Women were slightly more accurate, guessing that women had sex an average of 12 times a month — but that was still double the reality. In general, everyone thinks everyone else is having lots of great sex, with lots and lots of people, but that isn’t accurate. Researchers believe these exaggerated perceptions could have to do with the unrealistic depictions of sex people see in porn: “It’s not shocking to me, but what it does tell me is we have a lot more work to do.” Cheers to real sex!

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Check out more about a survey that shows everyone thinks everyone else is fucking all the time:

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