People Use Airbnb To Get Laid

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sex9Business Insider just published a shocking story explaining how people use Airbnb for more than just a comfortable place to crash. You don’t say! According to the piece, lots of guests and hosts are hooking-up and having one night stands! Since the purpose of Airbnb is to rent a room, sometimes sharing a room or a space leads to more than just the usual cordial banter in the hallway on the way to the bathroom.

One 25-year-old architect who fucked a 36-year-old Brazilian guest said, “I asked if she would want to come to my bedroom. She did and we had amazing sex. Mind-blowing. She tip-toed back up to the other bedroom during the night and nobody noticed. This then continued every night for the rest of the week and we slept together every night.” While these types of hot hook-ups probably aren’t the norm, they do happen, and there’s even a Reddit thread dedicated to the sexy phenomenon. Airbnb also commented on the hook-ups between hosts and guests by saying, “We’re trying to ensure that people feel safe in sharing their space, but guests also feel safe in going to that space. The level of engagement those two people want to have is obviously up to them.” We guess what happens in Airbnb stays in Airbnb!

Feel like having a fun rendezvous yourself? We’re always up for some casual action!

Check out more about the people who use Airbnb to get laid here.

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