People Who Have ‘Friends With Benefits’ Report Being Sexually Satisfied

adult-1822413_640A new survey of 1,000 Americans and Europeans gives surprising new insights into “friends with benefits” arrangements. As it turns out, women are more likely to have FWBs than men. Not only that, but people who have them are pretty satisfied with their sex lives—in fact, they’re more satisfied than people in relationships.

“51% of Americans in FWB arrangements said they were satisfied, 30% said they were only somewhat satisfied, and 19% said that they were dissatisfied,” reports Refinery29. In comparison, people in relationships rate their sexual satisfaction somewhat lower: 43% of Americans said they were satisfied, 26% were somewhat satisfied, and 31% were dissatisfied. Researchers of the study aren’t necessarily saying that FWBs is superior to relationships, but the survey does prove that casual sex can work very well for some people.

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Check out more about the study that shows people who have friends with benefits are sexually satisfied:

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5 Responses to People Who Have ‘Friends With Benefits’ Report Being Sexually Satisfied

  1. generika says:

    Thank you for the article

  2. I liked the article. A lot of useful information

  3. I used to have friend with benefits. It was really cool expierence. I’d like to repeat, but marriage destroyed my plans 🙁

  4. Slankepiller says:

    Many people are satisfied with their sexual life. Just many are silent about it and do not say

  5. I think some people remain silent about their unsatisfied sex life. If there are problems with erection, then medications to increase potency can help.
    Overall, interesting research!!!

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