People Who Sleep 8 Hours Have More Orgasmic Sex, Study Shows

white-1822497_640Here’s a really good reason to get a good night’s rest: those who sleep more each night have more orgasmic sex. On top of the numerous other health benefits of sleep, a study found that more shut-eye can lead to a greater increase in sexual desire and boost sex hormones such as testosterone. A sex researcher explains that sex and sleep are intimately tied, since not only can good sleep lead to better sex but good sex can also lead to better sleep.

“A good night’s sleep can increase interest in sex and a good sexual encounter can lead to a better sleep,” she explains. Her work is backed by a different study at the University of Michigan Medical School that found that women who slept longer had more sexual desire the following day. “For every hour longer the women slept, the odds of having sex with their partner increased by 14 percent. The same study found that more sleep also equated to better genital arousal,” reports Daily Mail. Time to hit the sheets!

Looking for an orgasmic experience? Hope you feel rested because here at NiteFlirt, we’re gonna keep you up all night long!

Check out more about a study that shows people who sleep more have more orgasmic sex:

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