People Will Say Anything If It Leads To Sex, Study Finds

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Image Source: | User: purits

When it comes to getting laid, people will literally say anything. A new study finds that the human brain is hard wired to tell tall tales and outright lie to potential sex partners. “When the possibility of sex looms, people are more likely to change their attitudes and engage in deceptive self-presentation. In other words they conform, embellish, and sometimes lie,” wrote the researchers.

Researchers studied more than 600 heterosexual students about their behaviors while interacting with members of the opposite sex. They found that participants would contradict themselves, exaggerate answers, or simply lie about certain topics to make a connection with an attractive stranger—such as under-estimating their number of past sexual partners. “When your sexual system is activated you are motivated to present yourself in the best light possible. That means you’ll tell a stranger things that make you look better than you really are,” researchers explain.

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Check out more about a study showing that people will say anything if it might lead to sex:

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