People With Anxiety And Depression More Likely To Use ‘Sextech,’ Study Finds

People struggling with their mental health are more likely to explore digital sexual technologies, a study finds. Kinsey Institute experts say sextech helps these individuals find temporary relief. Examples of sextech include erotic webcam sites, virtual reality porn, or even just the capacity to share sexually explicit images or videos.

“It’s likely that many users in these spaces do have social support and adequate social networks, but they’re turning to online sexual technologies for a unique boost to their psychological mindset,” researchers say. “As the global need for innovative mental health resources and interventions increases, emerging sexual technologies may provide relief for people with mental health struggles.” The authors point out that sextech is not used by lonely people who can’t find sex in face-to-face relationships, but instead as an “important pathway for mental health intervention.”

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Check out more about how sextech helps people with anxiety and depression:

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