Porn Age Verification Plans Are Being Put On Hold In The UK, Again

Image Source:  Pixland via Getty Images The porn age verification system in the UK—which was supposed to start on July 15th—has been “indefinitely delayed.” It seems the system’s legal basis was apparently undermined by the government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media, & Sport (DCMS) failing to inform the European Commission. Back in 2017, an age verification system was passed for people wanting to access porn websites, but it quickly attracted the concern of privacy campaigners worried about millions of people having to hand over potentially sensitive data.

“It might lead to people being outed,” said the executive director for privacy campaign group Open Rights Group. “It could also be you’re a teacher with an unusual sexual preference and your pupils get to know that as a result of a leak. It won’t get you sacked for viewing something legal but it could destroy your reputation.” Ultimately, the government agreed, issuing a statement saying, “While it’s very embarrassing to delay age verification for the third time, this is an opportunity for the Government to address the many problems that this ill-thought through policy poses.”

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Check out more about the UK’s porn age verification system being delayed indefinitely:

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