Porn Stars Share Their Most Embarrassing Sex Mishaps

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_cocks_on_filmWhile watching porn, the last thing you probably think about is the bloopers that sometimes happen during the hot fuck-fests. But, like any job, mistakes do happen—it’s just that in the world of adult entertainment, the mishaps tend to be, well, a bit more embarrassing. Here are some highlights from porn stars’ most embarrassing hardcore sex mishaps:

  1. The “Spongeknob Squarenuts” Fiasco
    Skin Diamond once had to film a Spongebob Squarepants parody called “Spongebob Squarenuts” that she could not manage to keep a straight face for. She was Sandy and was supposed to fuck Spongebob, but his heavy cardboard suit (with a hole cut out for his dick!) made it impossible. She tried to give him a blowjob, and ended up losing it during a funny scene where his dick was supposed to hit her helmet!
  2. The Hawaiian Slip ‘n Slide
    The luscious Nikki Benz was shooting a gorgeous sex scene on a Hawaiian ocean cliff, but every time she and her co-star started going at it, they would slide down the cliff. They were both scared they were going to die, and the co-star was so freaked out that he kept losing his boner! Somehow they managed to finish the scene—and it looks incredible.
  3. Burning Love
    Johnny Sins learned the hard way that being your own stunt man on a low budget porn film is not worth the risks. He had to play a fireman rushing into a burning house to save Nikki Benz. But all they had for the fire was a lighter and a can of hair spray. The production assistant got the timing wrong and blew a giant fireball right. at. him. He ducked just in time, and luckily just his shirt (not, ahem, more important things) got singed!

All those hilarious porn bloopers got us in the mood for the real thing! Lights, camera, action!

Check out more porn stars’ embarrassing sex stories here.

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