Pornhub Is Using AI To Make It Easier To Watch Porn

sexyemojisAI just got a whole lot sexier, thanks to Pornhub. The porn mega-site is using the technology to make it faster and easier to find videos tailored to your desires. “Now, users can search for a specific pornstar they have an affinity for and we will be able to retrieve more precise results,” Pornhub VP Corey Price said in a press release.

The AI model will be used to identify people, as well as specific sex positions and location-based videos. So far, Pornhub’s scanned 500,000 featured videos and will work on scanning its entire library in 2018, with the goal of preventing spam, identifying duplicate videos, and eventually offering viewers better recommendations. The introduction of AI to Pornhub comes on the heels of other tech upgrades the site has made recently, like optimization for those who are visually impaired and videos that work in sync with wireless sex toys.

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