Pornhub Releases Top Porn Searches Per State During Election Week

During Erection Week, er, Election Week, many people turned to porn as a way to manage their stress. Now, Pornhub has released data about the top searches each state made, and the results are intriguing. Pornhub says the top search term is “a snap-shot of what was truly in the hearts and on the minds of everyday Americans while they waited to find out who their next president will be.”

Not surprisingly, Alabama searched for “big booty,” while Minnesota wanted “POV” clips and Oklahoma lusted for “cheerleader” porn. Iowa was searching for “Yoga Pants” porn, North Dakota was looking for “pumpkin” smut and Connecticut wanted to see “wedgie” nudes. And of course, people wanted election-related results: “There’s no doubt that Florida was big into ‘Trump,’ Delaware was searching for ‘election’ and in D.C. people were more likely to search for ‘vote’ than any other state,” the website wrote.

In the mood for adult entertainment? We always have what you’re searching for at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about the top porn searches during Election Week:

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