Pornhub Reports Bump In Traffic Amid Government Shutdown

dollenBesides lining up at the unemployment office, furloughed government workers have to find something to do with their time. Considering all the stress that comes with going without a pay check for a month, it only makes sense that they’ve taken to Pornhub to unwind. In data released recently, the adult video platform reports that traffic showed an average daily increase of 5.94% during the week of Jan. 7th (the shutdown’s third week) over traffic in the weeks before the shutdown, which started on Dec. 22.

Pornhub notes a shift with heavy increases in traffic late at night with lower traffic than usual during the morning followed by another traffic spike in the early afternoon—similar to other events like winter storms in which people might stay up later because they don’t have to go to work the next day. Additionally, Pornhub traffic in the Washington, D.C. area showed a similar spike over the same time period with an average daily increase of 6.32 percent versus pre-shutdown traffic. It seems government workers especially like the following X-rated categories: outdoor, threesome, and old/young.

Looking for something exciting to do with your time? We’ve got some X-rated ideas for you here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about the government shutdown giving Pornhub a bump in traffic:

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