Putin Bans Annual Sex Doll Race

Prudish Putin banned the infamous Russian sex doll race. The hugely competitive event, dubbed the Bubble Baba Challenge, sees Russians swim through fast-flowing rapids in Leningrad with inflatable sex dolls helping them stay afloat. Last year, a whopping 471 people took part in the racy competition.

Putin tried to get rid of the popular competition in the past but organizers managed to keep it afloat. Pro-Putin MP Vitaly Milonov backed up the dictator’s decision, saying anyone with a sex doll should be dumped into an “asylum” or eaten by piranhas: “I sincerely wish that during the rafting on these dolls, piranhas would appear in the rivers to exact revenge on these lunatics.” Milonov also demanded that all sex shops were shut down in the country.

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